Who did Sandra Doorley call during a traffic stop? The answer sends social media into frenzy

Sandra Doorley call during a traffic stop

Sandra Doorley call during a traffic stop

Sandra Doorley call during a traffic stop- On Thursday, District Attorney Sandra Doorley released a statement about a speeding ticket she received Monday in her hometown of Webster and a call she made to the Webster police chief while officers were behind her. The statement caused a disturbance on social media. Here’s what we can tell based on what we know.

A Traffic ticket for speeding in a work zone

Stories began circulating Wednesday about Doorley’s traffic ticket, her call to the police chief and her interaction with the Webster officer. The Democrat and Chronicle first learned of the incident that evening, with no clear overview of the entire incident or assurances of what was true.

The Democrat

On Thursday morning, the Democrat and Chronicle contacted the district attorney’s office, which confirmed the ticket and set up an afternoon interview with Doorley. The office released Doorley’s statement later that day.

Ticket for

Doorley was driving 55 miles per hour in a 35 mile per hour area. She has already pleaded guilty to the traffic ticket and admitted the violation.

a traffic ticket for speeding in a work zone

Interest & Statement

Doorley did not immediately stop when the police were behind her. In the interview, she said she initially thought he was flagging down someone else, but then realized she was speeding.

Instead of stopping immediately, Doorley said, she turned onto her home street in Webster because there was less traffic there, then pulled into her driveway. She admitted to calling Webster Police Chief Dennis Kohlmeier from her car while police were chasing her.

Social Media App Banality of life

Not surprisingly, this sparked conversation on social media, with many noting that few people would be able to call a police chief or interact with the police. Doorley said she wanted the police chief to make the officer aware of who she was so he would know there was no potential danger to him after the stop because she did not stop immediately.

“Less than a quarter of a mile from my neighborhood, I saw a Webster police car behind me,” she said in the statement. “When I realized the car was meant to pull me over, I called the Webster police chief to let him know I wasn’t a threat and that I was going to meet the police at my house down the stre

Interaction with the officer

It’s unclear if the officer knew who Doorley was, but it didn’t matter. The Democrat and Chronicle has contacted Webster police.

In his statement, Doorley said, “The next day at 1 p.m. (after the ticket sale) I pleaded guilty and sent the ticket to Webster Town Court because I believed I took responsibility for my actions and had no intention of doing so. my position would few benefits.” No one, not even your prosecutor, is above the rule of law, not even the rules of the road.”

What was the ticket for?

Doorley was driving 55 miles per hour in a 35 mile per hour zone. She has pleaded guilty to the ticket already, acknowledging the offense.

What about the interaction with the officer?

t’s unclear whether the officer knew who Doorley was, not that this should matter. The Democrat and Chronicle has reached out to Webster police.

Is this the end with this incident?

If video is released, that could prompt more interest. But as far as the speeding ticket, that is clearly resolved.

How did this start?

On Wednesday, stories began circulating about Doorley’s speeding ticket, her call to the police chief and interaction with the Webster officer. The Democrat and Chronicle first heard of the incident that evening, and without firm outlines of the entire incident or assurances of what was true.

However, Doorley admitted there were tensions during her interactions with police in her driveway. That may have been because Doorley was on the phone with the supervisor when she got the ticket. Again, it is unclear if the officer was aware of this when he pulled into Doorley’s driveway.

If there’s a body-worn camera recording the interaction, “the camera shows how annoyed I am,” she said. She said there was a misunderstanding between her and the police about why she didn’t stop immediately.

 Interaction with the officer

Each video also shows the officer thanking the officer for her work on behalf of law enforcement at the end of their interaction, Doorley said. Doorley usually enjoys the support of law enforcement unions and successfully prosecuted two men who killed police officers in Rochester.

Is this the end of this event?
Who knows? If the video is released, it may lead to more interest. But when it comes to fines for speeding, it is clearly stated. Click for more



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